Business Charity Accounts

Does your business have a 'Charity of the Year'? With Giveall, employers have even more options to fundraise for their business charities now.

In addition to our standard payroll giving service, we have three optional accounts available and they are:

1.       The Staff Charity Account

This account allows employees to support the business charities with their Payroll Giving deductions only. The employees can select this account when setting up their Payroll Giving deductions.


 2.       The Employer Charity Account

This account can accept Payroll Giving deductions, direct donations and allow fundraising for the business charities. Employees, customers and the company itself can make contributions in to this account.


 3.       The Company Charity Account

This account is for the sole purpose of holding business funds only that will be paid across to charitable organisations. No deposits from employees or customers are permitted on this type of account.


Each charity chosen to receive a donation out of the funds held in any of these three account types will be checked and will have to comply with current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations so that you can feel confident that funds are going to legitimate charitable organisations.

For our Business Charity Account fees, click here.

To discuss what the best option for your organisation is, please don’t hesitate in emailing us at

To download the Business Charity Account documents and help guide, click here.