Registered Details


  • Giveall2Charity
    • A Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England & Wales - Company No: 7075425
    • Registered UK Charity No: 1132982
    • Registered Scottish Charity No. SC041398
    • Registered under the Data Protection Act No: Z2021067
    • Registered as a charity with HMRC No: XT22157
    • Registered as an HMRC Approved Payroll Giving Agency
    • Registered with the Fundraising Regulator
    • Registered member of the NCVO - VC/13043
    • Registered Address:
1 Meadlake Place
TW20 8HE
  • Giveall Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall2Charity
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 6540100
    • Registered owner of Intellectual Property and Trademarks 2521186 and 2523508
    • Holding company for the various subsidiaries as listed below
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Giveall Payment Services Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall2Charity
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308648
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Giveall Services Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall2Charity
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 7016307
    • Registered under the Data Protection Act No: Z2021539
    • VAT Registration No: 995 9459 32
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Giveall Formidable Solutions Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall Limited
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308241
    • Registered Affiliate - Name Protection
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Formidable Card Services Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall Limited
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308234
    • Registered Affiliate - Name Protection
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Formidable CA Services Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall Limited
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308261
    • Registered Affiliate - Name Protection
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Giveall Post Code Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall Limited
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308646
    • Registered Affiliate - Name Protection
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity
  • Giveall Mobile Services Limited
    • A wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall Limited
    • A Company registered in England & Wales - Company No: 07308386
    • Registered Affiliate - Name Protection
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity


  • Giveall Foundation Limited
    • A company limited by Guarantee, registered in Australia
    • Registration No: 165 096 686
    • Registered Australian Charity ABN No: 48165096686
    • Registered Address:
60 Timbarra Road
St Ives, Sydney

LUXEMBOURG - Branches of UK Entities

  • Giveall2Charity
    • Registration No: B 175555
    • Branch of Giveall2Charity UK
    • Registered Address:
44 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
L - 1330
  • Giveall Services Limited
    • Registration No: B 175511 
    • Branch of Giveall Services Limited
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity (LUX)


  • Stichting Giveall
    • KvK Number: 62420372
    • Registered Address: Slingerweg 4, 2111 AH Aerdenhout, Netherlands


  • Giveall Foundation Limited
    • Registration No: 4201618
    • Wholly owned subsidiary of Giveall2Charity UK
    • Registered Address:
340 Redwood Pass Road


  • Giveall2Charity
    • Registration No: 2010/002929/10
    • Registered as an External Foreign Company, of Giveall2Charity, operating in South Africa
    • Registered Address:
Sprigg Abbot House
Centurion Business Park
Bosmansdam Road
Cape Town
  • Giveall Foundation
    • Registration No: 2003/010092/08
    • Registered as a charity with DSD - NPO No. 045-970-NPO
    • Registered under S18A on the Income Tax Act - No. 930015836
    • Registered Address: Same as Giveall2Charity (RSA)


  • The Giveall Foundation
    • Registration No: 5510100
    • EIN 61-1742339
    • Classified as a Public Charity under S501(c)(3) of the IRS code
    • Registered Agent - Corporation Service Company
    • Registered Address:
Suite 400, 2711 Centerville Road