Faster Payments

Faster Payments

Giveall and Barclays bring Charities Faster Payments directly to their bank account. Faster Payments is the most cost effective way for Charities to make payments quickly to any payee. Generally, the payment is processed within a few hours and in some instances within minutes.
The Barclays Faster Payments records that:
"Barclays brings you Faster Payments
Faster Payments is a payments' clearing scheme for electronic sterling payments in the UK.
Member banks have been gradually building up the number of transactions going through the scheme. Although not all members are fully operational, Barclays is sending and receiving payments up to the maximum amount permitted under the scheme."
To read more, please click here.
Giveall ensures that the cost of Faster Payments is kept very low at a nominal amount per transaction. For full details on fees, please  click here.
To visit the Faster Payments' website, please click here.